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“Working with Paige changed my life from the very first day I met her.  Her level of understanding, and the support that I felt from someone who truly GOT everything that I was saying, was almost indescribable.  With Paige, I always have a soft place to land, coupled with solid advice that comes from evidence-based science.  She lives exactly what she teaches, and her level of commitment to helping others is beyond remarkable.  Time and again, Paige knows exactly what I need to hear, and she always provides excellent, practical guidance on anything from the tiniest daily decisions, to strategizing and creating a plan for handling bigger, long-term challenges.  Paige is such a blessing in my life!” - G.M.

Jamie, I look forward to following your journey and making it my own.  Thank You for sharing your recovery with the world. We all deserve the life you have found. Thank You and CONGRATULATIONS!  - C Richard

I…am keen to hear more of what you have to say. I may have some minor food addictions but still find it so helpful to understand what sorts of things can be triggers for poor choices and overindulgence. Thank you for your generous spirit and actions toward helping others understand that we all hold the power within us to be healthy. - C Legere 

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“I’ve been listening to your podcast and I’m honestly blown away by you and your honesty and poise…where you’ve come from and where you are, it’s so so so inspiring!” - T.O.G.

I'm just pausing this video to write to say, just how much I'm loving everything you're both saying here!!  ~ I do many of the things mentioned and so traveling has become a little easier, but it's still stressful and not something I enjoy, to be truly honest. Am saving this video, as with all your wonderful past videos. I plan-plan-plan ahead of time to make sure I stay compliant,  I'm plant exclusive SOFAS free, and without planning ahead traveling would be painful. Love the chat between you two Ladies  It's real and meaningful chatter,  good stuff. Now, back to THIS video and, my delicious healthy salad  - B. P.

I found your channel/podcast on an RSS catcher I set up for the term "Food Addiction" and I identify with everything you both are saying. I'm only 3 days into abstinence and I have never been so hopeful. Thank you for getting the message out. - J Duncan

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